Downtown Nonprofits
Home / Downtown Nonprofits
Elder/Disabled Advocacy & Enrichment
Environmental Justice
99 Chauncy Street
Clean Air Task Force
114 State Street
Using tech innovation and thought leadership to prevent climate change.
Environment Massachusetts
294 Washington Street
Action for a greener, healthier Massachusetts.
Environmental Defense Fund
18 Tremont Street
Pioneering to make the environment healthier & safer for all.
Environmental League Of Massachusetts
15 Court Square
Protecting Massachusetts land, water, and public health.
Nature Conservancy
99 Bedford Street
Working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.
Trust For Public Land
6 Beacon Street
Creating parks to ensure healthy, livable communities for generations.
Faith-Based Organizations
Congregation Bnai Jacob
15 School Street
Observing Jewish customs and traditions in a warm, open, joyous environment.
Park Street Church
1 Park Street
Beliefs & Governance statement found here:
Tremont Temple Church
88 Tremont Street
Famous for being the first integrated church in America, from its inception Tremont Temple has offered open attendance without charge.
Health Advocacy
Commonwealth Care Alliance
30 Winter Street
Dedicated to improving care for MassHealth/Medicaid-eligible individuals.
The Genesis Foundation
60 Temple Place
Helping families affected by rare diseases or genetic disorders.
Health Care For All
70 Franklin Street
Advocating for health justice in Massachusetts by promoting health equity.
Health Law Advocates
70 Franklin Street
Providing pro bono legal representation for those needing medical services.
Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers
31 Milk Street
Helping lawyers and legal students respond to personal and professional issues.
Massachusetts Association Of Health Plans
20 Ashburton Place
Dedicated to improving health care for all in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Association For Mental Health
50 Federal Street
Advancing mental health & wellbeing by addressing mental health challenges.
Massachusetts League Of Community Health Centers
40 Court Street
Supporting community health centers & their members.
National Institute For Children's Health
308 Congress Street
Achieving better health outcomes for children.
Historic Preservation
Housing & Planning Advocacy
Boston Housing Authority
52 Chauncy Street
Providing stable, quality affordable housing & healthy living environments.
Citizens' Housing & Planning Association
1 Beacon Street
Encouraging affordable housing; fostering diverse, sustainable communities.
Housing Partnership Network
56 Broad Street
Helping people gain access to affordable homes and thriving communities.
Massachusetts Association Of CDCs
44 School Street
Creating healthy communities where everyone lives in housing they can afford.
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
60 Temple Place
Promoting smart growth & regional collaboration.
Massachusetts Housing Partnership
160 Federal Street
Working to increase the supply of affordable housing in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance
50 Milk Street
Supporting equitable community development and reinvestment.
Immigration Advocacy
Intervention Services & Advocacy
Boston Rescue Mission
39 Kingston Street
Empowering individuals experiencing homelessness to achieve self-sufficiency.
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
47 West Street
Providing effective & innovative services to runaway and high-risk youth.
Childcare Choices Of Boston
105 Chauncy Street
Making childcare work for everyone regardless of background.
Good Samaritans
41 West Street
Working to prevent suicide & helping those who have lost someone to suicide.
105 Chauncy Street
Ending homelessness in Greater Boston & developing strategies to prevent it.
Massachusetts Housing & Shelter Alliance
7 Bulfinch Place
Dedicated to ending homelessness in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Organization For Addiction Recovery
105 Chauncy Street
Organizing recovering individuals; educating about the value of recovery.
New England Center & Home For Veterans
Housing & serving veterans who are at-risk for homelessness.
St. Francis House
39 Boylston Street
Rebuilding lives by providing refuge and pathways to stability.
Socioeconomic Justice & Legal Reform
Continuing Amelia Peabody’s philanthropy in perpetuity through grants to qualified Massachusetts non-profit organizations.
Center For Restorative Justice (Suffolk University)
Supporting social movements to build just and equitable communities.
Citizens For Juvenile Justice
44 School Street
Advocating to achieve equitable youth justice.
Corporate Accountability
10 Milk Street
Compelling corporations to restore health, human rights, democracy.
JALSA Impact
11 Beacon Street
Harnessing Jewish values to restore checks and balances to America.
Lawyers For Civil Rights
61 Batterymarch Street
Using legal action to foster equal opportunity and fight discrimination.
Massachusetts Appleseed Center For Law & Justice
44 School Street
Advocating for systemic solutions to social justice issues.
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
40 Court Street
Advancing laws and policies that secure economic, racial, and social justice.
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
333 Washington Street
Providing research and solutions that drive public policy in order to strengthen the Commonwealth’s finances and economy.
294 Washington Street
Advocating for the public interest and a healthier, safer world.
Mel King Institute For Community Building
44 School Street
Fostering vibrant communities by advancing the skills of volunteer leaders.
National Consumer Law Center
7 Winthrop Square
New England Anti-Defamation League
40 Court Street
Fighting all forms of bigotry & defending democratic ideals & civil rights.
New England Legal Foundation
333 Washington Street
Promoting public discourse on the proper role of free enterprise in our society and advancing free enterprise principles in the courtroom.
185 Devonshire Street
Developing and communicating dynamic ideas to advance prosperity and civic life in Massachusetts and beyond.
Social Justice/Elma Lewis Center (Emerson College)
120 Boylston Street
Working to support individual and community self-determination.
United For A Fair Economy
184 High Street
Supporting social movements working for a resilient & equitable economy.
Volunteer Lawyers Project
7 Winthrop Square
Increasing access to justice by delivering high quality pro bono civil legal services to eligible clients in the Greater Boston area.
Women's Advocacy
Center For Women & Enterprise
Emerge Massachusetts
15 Court Square
Increasing Democratic women leaders from diverse backgrounds.
70 Franklin Street
Working to protect everyone’s right to a full range of reproductive options.
Workforce Training & Adult Education
Action For Boston Community Development
178 Tremont Street
Responding to local needs for underserved/at-risk neighbors.
JVS Boston
75 Federal Street
Empowering individuals from diverse communities to build careers.
SEIU New England 615
Representing regional service workers on initiatives impacting them.
Urban College Of Boston
2 Boylston Street
Opening pathways to opportunity through supportive education.
Youth Enrichment & Empowerment
Big Sister Association Of Greater Boston
20 Park Plaza
Igniting girls’ passion & power through positive mentoring relationships.
Massachusetts Mentoring Partnership
75 Kneeland Street
Working to expand empowering youth-adult relationships across the state.
New England Board Of Higher Education
45 Temple Place
Creating a hub for higher education resources.
Raising A Reader Massachusetts
53 State Street
Closing the literacy gap by helping families develop home-reading routines.