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November 21, 2024
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

177th Josiah Quincy Elementary School Dragons F.I.R.E. Fundraiser

November 21, 2024
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Join the Josiah Quincy Elementary School at Empire Garden Restaurant in Chinatown on Thursday, November 21 as they celebrate 177 years in the Boston community with their annual Dragons F.I.R.E Fundraiser and their quest to raise $177,000 to support more than 725 students grades K0 to grade 5! Enjoy a 10-course Chinese banquet dinner and open bar (beer and wine included), and a live JQES student-led lion dragon dance performance! In addition to buying individual tickets to the event, we also have lots of other ways to show your support, including program book advertisements and several sponsorship opportunities.

Guests must be 21+ to attend. Our in-person events have sold out in the past, so be sure to get your tickets early!

690 Washington St

690 Washington St
Boston, MA 02111 United States